Rethink the Future (1)

10/02/2024 15:15 - 16:00

Sustainability is more than a fad, sales tactic, or a nice-to-have. It’s the fundamental question of whether your business is still going to be around in 30 years and, if so, what’s it going to look like? 
Because if your business is still here in 2050, whether it’s an independent practice in Sleaford or a multi-national corporation, it’s going to have to be quite different to how it is today. Compliant with new national and international legislation, responsive to new societal trends and needs, and actively helping to solve the biggest challenges faced by humanity. 
However, these necessary and inevitable changes are as much challenges as they are opportunities - if that’s what we choose to make them. Let’s face it, we’ve been part of the problem for too long; time to roll up our sleeves and be part of the solution. 
This session will cover everything from essential climate literacy through the pursuit of the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals, to the ethics at the heart of your business and our place in this global industry. Delegates will explore the questions of what it will mean to be in optics in 2050.

Eight interactive CPD points

Andrew Clark, Head of Sustainability, Practice Building / Net Zero Optics